Positivity only works when you're happy By Michelle Janssen

Positivity is all well and good until you have to put it into practice. Recently I came from a trip to Sydney. Getting off the plane, I was all positive and sh*t, and then here are some things that happened:

  • My luggage was lost
  • I opened my emails and had a MASSIVE phone bill after coming back from overseas
  • I got a speeding fine AND a parking fine AND an overdue toll notice AND rego renewal on the same day
  • I tried to be organised and get my taxes done so I could look forward to my tax return but instead I got a tax bill.

Now I’m not saying any of things are the worst things that could happen to someone, and I fully accept that most of the above items were my own fault.


How do you actually remain positive when the lovely warm, glowy feelings of being somewhere new and exciting wears off? You know, kind of like how people who have waited until they’re married to have sex and then start thinking, “oh is that all it was? Disappointing. Should have been doing that for years!”

The hard thing doesn’t seem to be knowing that thinking positively is the way to go, it’s actually behaving to a different way of being that’s the tricky bit.

Maybe making fun of serious things could be a new wave positive approach. I could start my own speaking business, “The Michelle Janssen How to Be a Sarcastic Yet Positive Bitch” method.

I’m not saying I’d help people, perhaps I’d make them feel ripped off and like they’d wasted money, but hey, it would certainly be an opportunity.


In her 20s, Michelle is a modern woman walking confidently about town, casually using her fly buys rewards card to feel like a true grown up. Her goal is to be a combination of Oprah &Tina Fey.

See Michelle's profile.

Michelle's website.


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